Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran.
- Place of current residence: Tehran , Iran
- Where did you learn to be an artist? I learned to be an artist in nature.
- Which artists have inspired you? I’m so wrapped in Pre-raphaelite artists, like Marianne Stock , Sir Francis Dicksee, Eleanor Fortiscue Brickdale, etc
- Describe your art? I think my art should describe me .Generally I use any object that helps me explain about humanity and other things that correlate to human life – maybe group of people , maybe a landscape.
- Why do you make art? Because its the only way that I feel I’m alive.
- Why do you think that art is important? It’s important to impress others, about what you think and art is the best medium to achieve this.
- What is your favourite art work that you have produced? I can’t choose one of them . I try to made them as a same quality.
- What, in your opinion, is the worst piece of art you have ever seen and why? The worst ones are the most shameful ones. I have seen many ostentatious artists these days. I can’t say a name, they are so many.
- Hobbies/ areas of interest (other than art): Playing video-games , watching movies , reading books
- Favourite quote: ‘Cold exactitude is not art; ingenious artifice, when it pleases or when it expresses, is art itself’. (Eugene Delacroix)
- Favourite colour: grey
- Favourite poem: Robayiat Hakim Omar Khayyam
- How do you combat creative blocks? By continuity follow my goals.
By Artista Eli
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