19 OTTOBRE - 21 NOVEMBRE. "BARAYE: VOICES FROM CONTEMPORARY IRAN": UNA SERIE DI DIRETTE SUL NOSTRO CANALE INSTAGRAM Per conoscere l’arte iraniana della protesta e prendere coscienza dell’attuale situazione direttamente attraverso le voci delle artiste e degli artisti iranianɜ della Imago Mundi Collection, dal 19 ottobre al 21 novembre abbiamo ideato una serie di diretta sul nostro account Instagram @fondazioneimagomundi, intitolata “Baraye: voices from Contemporary Iran”. 19 ottobre: diretta con Farsam Sangini 28 …
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Imago Mundi exhibition (Beneton Collection , Venice)

Imago Mundi exhibition (Beneton Collection , Venice)
 Iran: iranomutomorphosis.  About Imago Mundi exhibition (Beneton Collection , Venice)  Parties are occasions for a person to get out of the cast he/she is encaged in. The cast that is made of routine life, social roles and civil norms based upon traditional culture. These limiting layers of life are somehow detachable and reaching their core, i.e. the individual personality, seems to be impossible; but in gatherings it breaks apart and reveals its …
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A short note about a "Sarah" painted by Farsam Sangini

A short note about a "Sarah" painted by Farsam Sangini
 A young woman sits hunched in a chair, knees covered by a blanket, gaze turned aside, lost in thought. Behind her an old television, a dingy wall, a mantle littered with domestic debris. At her feet, worn tiles or linoleum. Farsam Sangini, located in Tehran, strikes me as displaying an imaginative and deep empathy with the everyday, with the quotidian concerns of his sitters and with the details of their …
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Remodernist Artists Against Rubbish’ Exhibition, Marbella – Farsam Sangini Interview

Remodernist Artists Against Rubbish’ Exhibition, Marbella – Farsam Sangini Interview
  Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran. Place of current residence: Tehran , Iran Where did you learn to be an artist? I learned to be an artist in nature. Which artists have inspired you? I’m so wrapped in Pre-raphaelite artists, like Marianne Stock , Sir Francis Dicksee, Eleanor Fortiscue Brickdale, etc Describe your art? I think my art should describe me .Generally I use any object that helps me explain about humanity and other …
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Exhibition curated by Edward Lucie-Smith and contribution by Farsam Sangini

Exhibition curated by Edward Lucie-Smith and contribution by Farsam Sangini
Farsam Sangini and Lapsking Hamed Dehnavi are in this exhibition Video from Our group exhibition with Stuckist’s in Klaipeda Culture Communication Centre curated by Edward Lucie-Smith together with Zavier Ellis, Janet Rady and Ignas Kazakevičius. The aim of this exhibition is to give a snapshot view of two very different contemporary art worlds – the one that now exists in London, and the one that has grown up in Iran …
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